1 to export the 83 songs on the Rock Band 3 disc into Rock Band 4, Harmonix announced recently. The only exception is Rock Band 3, which remains available at this time - but not for much longer. ( The Beatles: Rock Band has never been available for export.) Unfortunately, if you haven’t previously brought songs from older games into Rock Band 4, you’ve lost your chance - the song export licenses for Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Lego Rock Band, Green Day: Rock Band, and Rock Band Blitz have all expired at this point. Microsoft syncs Xbox One save files automatically via the cloud Sony offers cloud storage only to PlayStation Plus members, so PS4 owners who don’t have a subscription will have to manually transfer saves via USB storage. The studio added that existing Rock Band 4 save data will be compatible with PS5 and Xbox Series X, so you can pick up where you left off with your career mode progress. “No messy generation transition this time, it’s the same DLC!” “All DLC currently available for download will also work on new consoles,” said Harmonix. This time around, that won’t be a problem.

But for a number of reasons, including the vagaries of music licensing agreements, the process was complicated and had a lot of caveats. Rock Band 4, which launched in October 2015 on PS4 and Xbox One, allowed players to carry forward songs from the Rock Band titles on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (as well as additional tracks they’d purchased). Harmonix has always described the Rock Band franchise as a platform, and it appears that Microsoft’s and Sony’s commitments to it-just-works backward compatibility have made it easier for the studio to uphold that philosophy.

“We believe previously supported instruments should work as expected.”

“ Rock Band 4 and all DLC will work on the next generation consoles day 1,” said Harmonix. The Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are backward-compatible with pretty much the entire Xbox One and PlayStation 4 libraries, respectively - and rhythm game fans will be delighted to hear that Rock Band 4 is included in the list on both next-generation consoles, developer Harmonix announced Tuesday.